“Jermuk Ashkhar” health center is situated in one of the picturesque corners of Jermuk city. From the ancient times the city is known as a high mountain resort. In 1970 the Council of USSR Ministers Jermuk was ranked as an all-union resort by the Council of USSR Ministers, and the mineral water “Jermuk” became a popular brand throughout the world and enjoys its fame so far.
“Jermuk Ashkhar” health center was built in 1976. Maintaining good traditions through years and historical events it didn’t stop working even after privatization. In 2017 the sanatorium reopened after reconstruction and capital renovation. Here the highly-qualified staff and years of experience of the personnel guarantee first-class treatment and rest. The resort is suitable both for family recreation with children, and for those who want just to relax, by recovering their health to the maximum.